soft services company bridgend wales

Why School Cleaning is More Important Than Ever

Following the pandemic, most schools’ attitudes towards cleanliness and hygiene have changed; there is now a greater duty of care to keep everyone protected. There is now a more concerted effort to ensure that schools are up to standard. With remote learning seemingly a thing of the past, schools are working on strategies to make the classroom a better place …

A&R Finance Director Ashley Davies pictured in Bridgend Town Centre

5 Facilities Management Trends for 2022 That You Should Know

As soft service providers continue to survive and even thrive in today’s continuing tough economy, one thing stands out above all else – the strength and resilience of those in our industry. A&R Services Co-founder and Finance Director, Ashley Davies has listed what he feels are the top trends for the year ahead, and ones you should be aware of: …

welsh water cleaning

7 Tips for Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company

Screening and hiring a commercial cleaning company may seem like a daunting prospect. You will want to ensure that your facility’s cleaning schedule is in capable hands. Maintaining a clean environment is key to the success of your business. So, you should treat the process like hiring a new employee. We’ve come up with 7 questions which will help you …

Commercial Cleaner with Hoover

Signs That Your Cleaner is Doing a Good Job

We all like to come into work and be welcomed to a clean and tidy business.  Having a good cleaner who leaves your business looking sparkling clean and fresh is not only good for your employees, your customers and your own health, it can also increase workplace morale and productivity and reduce sickness absence within your employees. So, it’s important …

A & R Cleaning Services at Porthcawl Medical Centre

How Long Can Germs Live on Surfaces?

We all know what it’s like to have a nasty cold and a bedridden induced flu and with germs getting plenty of press, it’s essential to know how you can combat them in your business. While germs may be too small to be seen with the naked eye they can live on a variety of surfaces, lying in wait to …

Bio-misting School

Why Should You Invest in Biomisting Services?

Slowing the spread of the coronavirus is on the top of everyone’s priority list with businesses in South Wales. As a nation, businesses are stepping up their cleaning schedule, their cleaning frequency and investing in Biomisting where this superior infection control service offers longer protection. Regular cleaning and deep cleaning sometimes isn’t enough to keep the Coronavirus and several other …

Professional cleaning at Archbishop McGrath Catholic High School, a secondary school located in Brackla, Bridgend

Cloth Comparison: Microfibre vs J Cloths

When cleaning up spills or just generally cleaning dust and dirt off surfaces, you would you normally reach for a microfibre cloth and some cleaning products to wipe it away? Most people use standard disposable J Cloths and others use microfibre cloths. But which ones are better? Standard Disposable J Cloths are usually used in both households and commercial properties …

Hardfloor cleaning

Don’t Forget to Clean Your Mops!

Before the pandemic, taking proper care of mops was pretty overlooked. When finished mopping the floor, you would rinse your mop and allow to dry. However, due to the pandemic this practice isn’t the best. Although professional cleaning solutions can prove effective at removing soils and even killing bacteria’s, water used for mop rinsing can become contaminated quickly is used …