bridgend town security

Bridgend – Guide to protecting your business

Bridgend is a bustling town with good transport links to two of South Wales’ largest cities Cardiff and Swansea and is close to stunning scenic locations. But like many towns and cities – Bridgend is no stranger to crime. In recent months from June 2018 to June 2019, the total amount of crime reported in Bridgend has steadily fallen from 750-667 being reported.

But this doesn’t mean that business owners in Bridgend should let down their guard and relax. They are still at risk of becoming targets for criminal activities.

So, what strategies can implement to protect your business?

Lock and key:

Having a lock and key is a basic security measure but it works. However, some lock systems can be picked or easily damaged when a large amount of force is used. If you’re installing new doors or locks, make sure that they are British Standard BS3621 and bear the kitemark or are classed a lever 5 mortice deadlock. Alongside using a lock and key, you can also use roller shutters on windows and doors on the front and back of your business. This prevents criminals from looking into your business to see what is available to take but also stops them from damaging your property.

Keyfob/passcode systems:

Mostly used in medium to large premises Keyfob and passcode systems are great at limiting where people can access. For example, if you have a room or section of a building that shouldn’t be open for the public to enter, you can close it off with the use of a keyfob or passcode. This can also be used at the front of the property or by the reception area so that you can monitor who is coming in and out of your business.

 Secure Keyholding:

Many business owners will leave a spare key with a trusted friend or business partner in case of emergencies. But Secure Keyholding services allow security staff to enter your property without anyone else having to be present and check for any disturbances if there has been an alert to one. Also if you are having work carried out of hours and don’t want to pay an employee overtime, your security provider can send someone to let contractors in and also monitor who is entering and exiting your building.

Alarm systems:

Alarm systems are readily available from many DIY stores and security providers such as ourselves. Alarm systems are effective at dissuading criminals at entering your property further by alerting anyone in the vicinity. But be aware, some alarm systems can go off without anything triggering it disturbing neighbours around the area. Most security providers such as ourselves can install and monitor alarm systems, responding to an alarm system going off.

Exterior Lighting:

60% of criminal activity associated with business happens under the cover of darkness. Installing exterior lighting can increase the security of your business – lighting areas of your property that are not normally visible to CCTV or Security Guards. Motion-activated lighting can be a very effective deterrent as any motion can activate the light making criminals feel exposed and caught.

Manned/Mobile Security:

Having security guards at your business is an effective deterrent to criminals. Manned guarding allows you to position guards in key areas such as front of house, access points and blind spots. Mobile guards allow you to have guards patrol your business at scheduled or unscheduled intervals putting criminals off from attempting to enter your property. Mobile guards can patrol your business externally and internally and can quickly respond to any emergencies or suspicious behaviour.


CCTV is frequently used in businesses throughout Bridgend and can be monitored either manually or remotely. Depending on the system you are using – you can place a number of cameras around the outside and inside of your property in inconspicuous areas. CCTV allows either yourself or your security guards to monitor for any suspicious activity and can quickly respond to any disturbances.

A&R Services are providers of commercial security solutions. From alarm installations and monitoring to manned and mobile guarding, we can provide professionally tailored services with that personal touch. For more information about our security services – visit our our website or call us on 01656 338706